Venture Capital

Venture Capital

A form of equity financing designed specially for funding high risk and high reward projects is known as ‘Venture Capital’. It helps in financing high-tech projects, research and development projects etc., Thus it is a typical ‘private equity investment.’ Venture Capitalists finance high risk return ventures, usually in new enterprises small or medium ones to produce new products, in expectation of high gains or spectacular returns. They continuously involve themselves with the clients’ investments, either by providing loans or managerial skills or any other support. The basic objective of venture capitalists is to make capital gain or equity investment at the time of exit and to get regular return on debt financing. They provide value-added services to the invested firms without any interference of the management but usually make huge capital gains at the time of exit. Liquidity of the venture capital depends upon the success of the new venture or product. It was Bhatt Committee (Committee on Small and Medium Entrepreneurs) in the year 1972 , which recommended the creation of venture capital in India.

Stages of Venture Capital Financing

Setting up of New Venture
     Seed Capital
Start up Finance
Early Stage Finance
Follow on Finance
Expansion Finance
Replacement Finance
Turnaround Finance


Mezzanine Finance



                                                 IPO                     Sale of Shares             Puts and Calls

Seed Capital
            Involves primarily R&D financing, for product development and capital provision to startup.
Startup Finance
            Stage where new activity is launched which is related with initial marketing and establishment of product facilities.
Early stage Finance
            Finance to initiate commercial manufacturing and sales.
Follow on Finance
            Second round finance where the project has passed the test of acceptability and has proved to be successful.

Expansion Finance
            Finance provided to fund the expansion or growth of a company which is breaking even; used to finance increased production capacity, market or product development and to provide additional working capital; sometimes also made available for acquisition or takeover.

Replacement Finance
            Also known as money-out deal, where venture capitalists extend financing for the purchase of the existing shares from an entrepreneur or their associates in order to reduce their holdings in the unlisted company. The venture capitalists may buy ordinary shares from vendors and may convert them into preference shares bearing a fixed dividend coupon. Such shares may be converted back into ordinary shares if the company is listed.

Turnaround Finance
            Type of finance provided in the event of an enterprise becoming unprofitable after the launch of commercial production; to sustain the current operation of the enterprise.

MBO s Management Buy-Outs
The acquisition of a company from the existing owners by a team of  existing management / employees who may or may not have been actively involved in the day-to-day running of the company & are making the acquisition with a view towards becoming active owner-managers.

MBI s Management Buy-Ins
            Involves bringing in a management team comprising of outsiders, who are strangers to the company, where they are part of the existing team.

 Mezzanine Finance
            The last stage of equity related funding is Mezzanine finance, which is actually half way between equity and loan capital, in terms of risk and return. It is often the last type of financing supplied to a private company in the final run up to trade a sale or public floatation. It may be issued either as a debt (high coupon bonds) or as a high ranking equity (preference shares). It is a bridge finance having a maturity of less than 2 years.
            Every venture capital will be liquidated after accomplishment of the purpose of the venture investment. several factors will be taken into consideration before deciding the exit , such as the nature of the venture, the extent and type of financial stake, the state of actual and potential competition, market condition, the style of functioning, as well as the perception of the venture capital companies, etc., It will exit from the venture assistance in terms of equity investment by going public or floatation through IPO, or Sale of Shares to entrepreneurs who have promoted the ventures or through Put option(the right to sell) or though Call option (the right of the entrepreneurs  to buy) by determining the price using the Book Value of net assets of the units assisted or through trade sales where the entire investee company is sold to another company at an agreed price or even though liquidation where the exit takes place in a voluntary manner. 


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